
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030
  • Systematically increase the share of renewable energy in the period up to 2030, with the goal of achieving 100% renewable energy

Our projects

Solar panels on Trixxo Arena and Antwerp Hospitality Center
350 solar panels were installed on the roof of the Lotto Arena, and 1250 panels on the Trixxo Arena. This means that the Lotto Arena can cover 50% of its daily energy use (excluding events), while the Trixxo Arena can cover 100% of its daily use (excluding events).

Calculating the CO2 footprint
To measure is to know! Live Nation has appointed an external company to map out the ecological footprint of each of the venues. This will make it easier to take the right actions, and to measure actual results.

Energy coaching trajectory in consultation with city of Ghent for Capitole Gent
We have enrolled in an energy coaching trajectory with the city of Ghent, and the first proposals are on the table. Partly, it helps us better understand our own consumption and how to optimize machines, but an ambitious proposal to connect to the heat network is also being investigated.
We are curious to see where this leads!

Transition to LED and (motion) sensors
Wherever lighting needs to be replaced, we opt for LED lights from now on. A first major replacement operation concerned the lighting of the Lotto Arena façade. The installation of more and more motion sensors should also help us to reduce our energy consumption.