Privacy policy

Concise privacy statement

Who are we?

At Your Service is the staffing tool used by Be•at Venues nv.

How do we collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data directly from you: the data you provide when creating an account in the application; photo, (first) name, mobile number, password and e-mail address.

We request your photo for facial recognition. This visual check at the entrance of our venues is done for security reasons.

What do we use your personal data for?

We use your data to match profiles to open jobs in the be•at venues and, based on this match, arrange access to the relevant venue and the assigned task during the course of the event.

Your data can only be consulted within the application by line managers and organization managers, such as the person in charge of an association or the person in charge of a bar.

Your right of access and control of your personal data

You have the right to access your data, the right to correct it, the right to be forgotten, the right to restrict the processing of your data and the right to data portability. You can object to the processing and you have the right not to be subjected to decisions based on automated processing.

Extended privacy statement

Be•at attaches the utmost importance to your trust. This also applies to the way in which we handle your personal data. The current privacy statement aims to inform you about this in detail.

1. Who are we?

You provide your data to Be•At Venues nv. The At Your Service application is used to facilitate the matching of jobs, to carry out the access control and to assign the tasks during the course of the event itself.

You can exercise your rights with regard to Antwerps Sportpaleis nv.

2. How do we collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data directly from you.

The data collected by us are mainly provided to us directly by you. For example, data are stored when creating a profile.

3. Which personal data are processed?

This concerns the following data:
– Personal contact details: name, telephone number, e-mail, language preference, password, and profile picture. These are the data provided by you when creating a profile in the app.

4. Lawfulness of processing

We rely on the following legal grounds:

  • Consent
    • You explicitly consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes; for example, permission to invite you to a next job in one of the be•at venues.
    • You can withdraw this consent at any time by sending an e-mail to
  • Execution of the agreement when you have accepted a job.

5. What do we use your personal data for?

Execution of the agreement made

We use your data to match profiles to open jobs in the venues of be•at and, based on this match, arrange access to the relevant venue and the assigned task.

The data are only used within the framework of the app’s objective: in particular the organization of the staffing at an event. Anyone who sees the data is also obligated to respect that purpose and not to use the data for other purposes.

We may share your information with government security services if requested. This is limited to the sharing of numbers and, unless otherwise specified, does not include identifiable personal data.

Test data for new developments

Personal data can be used to test new software developments on behalf of Be•At Venues nv. In some cases, the data will be exported to a third party, which is responsible for testing the newly developed applications and can only use your data for this purpose. In all cases, the necessary security measures will be taken, including the anonymization of personal data.

Your data will not be subject to fully automated decision-making, nor profiling.

6. Your right of access and control of your personal data

You have a number of rights regarding the processing of your personal data. To exercise these rights, please send an e-mail to Your request will be processed within one month. If your request cannot be granted, be•at will inform you of the reasons thereof.

Right of access
You have the right to consult the data you have provided and to manage and modify your profile data. Only your telephone number cannot be changed and will have to be adjusted via request.

Right to correction or erasure
You have the right to correct incorrect or incomplete personal data or to have data deleted.

Right to be forgotten
You have the right to ask to be ‘forgotten’ and removed from the database. In some cases, this request can be refused, for example when the data are necessary for the execution of the agreement.

Right to data portability
You have the right to have the personal data you provided transferred to another processor in a structured, commonly used and legible form.

Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority
If you have certain complaints regarding the privacy policy of Be•At Venues nv, you can contact the supervisory authority (Belgian Data Protection Authority).

7. Who gets to see your data?

If you commit to take on a job, the line manager will be able to see your participation (surname and first name), and you will also have access to the other participants of the same line.

8. Data retention period

The retention period for profile data in the At Your Service application is set at 5 years of inactivity (more specifically: no more jobs taken on within the application or inactivity within the application). This period is motivated by the practical consideration that most employees remain active for several years. It only makes sense to remove these from the database after 5 years of inactivity.

If you have not shown any activity for a period of 5 years and have not taken up a job within the application, your profile will be removed from the database.

9. Data security

Be•at makes every effort to protect its employees against unlawful access to, or unlawful modification, disclosure or destruction of the data in its possession.

To this end, the following security measures are applied, among others:

  • Technical security measures:
    • Internal files are stored in a location that can be accessed (only) by those persons who need these files in the context of processing. E.g. line managers for employee scheduling.
    • The back-end application is accessed with a personalized login and password.
    • Backups are taken daily and stored in different locations. These backups are kept for a minimum of 7 days in order to be able to retrieve the data in case of loss and to ensure continuity.
    • Users log in via two factor authentication.
  • A thoroughly developed internal privacy policy

10. Transfer of data to third countries

Data are only transferred within the EU via the partners be•at cooperates with.

11. Changes to the privacy policy

In the event of changes to the current privacy policy, we will inform you by e-mail. The latest version is always available for consultation on the website, so that it can be consulted by you.

12. Contact

The general data of be•at are available on the website. If you have any questions or remarks regarding our privacy policy, please send an e-mail to This e-mail will be sent to the be•at DPO team. In any case, we will answer your question within one month.